Year-round maintenance of the AmberOne (summer and winter)

Intertoll Poland as a A1 motorway Operator performs work related to the current (routine) and an
ad hoc maintenance of the road, repair and cleaning in order to maintain the security and aesthetics of the road. Staff executing the tasks related to the operation of the motorway keep AmberOne in accordance with the standards of road art, moreover, is engaged in maintaining of green spaces, performing drainage and protecting places of road accidents, as well as removing the effects of the accidents and collisions.

As part of the winter maintenance A1 Operator shall take measures to prevent slipperiness of the road by sprinkling the road surface with properly prepared brine, as well as removing the snow and slush.

There are three Maintenance Areas on the A1 (OUAs) – in Pelplin, Nowe Marzy and Grabowiec, close to Toruń.

High standard of road safety

Intertoll Polska, as the Operator of the northern section of the A1 motorway, performs works related to maintaining a high standard of road safety, with the aim of providing road users with an efficient and safe journey. As part of road safety, Intertoll Polska undertakes numerous technical and organizational activities, using modern equipment to secure works on the road. The devices used by the A1 Operator include, among others: TTMA crash trailers and mobile variable message signs. In addition, Intertoll Polska has been implementing innovative solutions for years to protect users and employees performing their tasks on the road, such as: mobile warning thresholds and sound signals when a vehicle enters the work zone. Intertoll Polska is actively involved in improving safety throughout the country, participating in working groups developing changes in regulations, and also participates in industry conferences as a speaker. In addition, it conducts activities aimed at raising awareness of road safety. To this end, it cooperates with technical universities, participates in security-related events, and educates the local community. As a specialist in road safety on the motorway, he actively supports rescue services, for whom he conducts workshops and training.

Traffic Control Centre

Traffic Control Centre carries out its activity for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The main tasks of the TCC (CKR) operators are: coordinating the work related to traffic management, analyzing road capacity (traffic), motorway utilization and taking appropriate action in case of emergency or unusual situations. Operators monitor up to date weather conditions and information from weather stations located along the main highway thread. They also communicate with maintenance employees in order to coordinate the activities of the operational services. Traffic Control Centre Operators are the first contact for A1 Users when they call on alarm line, which is designed to report an accidents or the need of assistance.

Road patrol

The primary purpose of the highway patrol is to increase the safety of motorway Users on the A1 and help them in the case of a vehicle crash, random event or other unusual circumstances that may happen during the trip. Our patrolmen make every effort to provide Users a comfortable and safe drive through the AmberOne. For this purpose they monitor the condition of the road surface, check motorway infrastructure and road devices, as well as take appropriate action in traffic management and support the emergency services when conducting their activities. Patrol staff are in constant communication with the other services of motorway and constantly provide information about the traffic situation to the Traffic Control Centre Operators.

Feel free to contact us:

Intertoll Polska

Pelplin Office
Ropuchy 7a
83-130 Pelplin, Poland

Phone: +48 58 530 66 99
Fax: +48 58 530 66 95

Intertoll Construction

Gdańsk Office (Intertoll Construction)
BCB Business Park B1
ul. Azymutalna 9
80-298 Gdańsk, Poland

Phone: +48 58 888 22 17

Intertoll Europe

Head Office:
DEXAGON building
Fehérvári út 50-52.
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36 1 371 0762
Fax: +36 1 215 6165

Individual departments of Intertoll Polska:


The line is designed for business partners, contractors, public institutions, offices and persons and companies interested in cooperation with us.

tel. 58 530 66 99 | fax 58 530 66 95 | e-mail:

Customer Service Office

Organizational Unit that supports queries, requests and complaints of the A1 Users

tel. 58 530 66 89 | e-mail:

SOS Emergency Centre

The telephone line designed for Users of AmberOne interested in reporting traffic incidents (accidents and collisions) and vehicle breakdowns.

tel. 58 530 66 66